Institute for Forest Pedagogy is a institutions, whose activity is teaching and educating children and teaching professional cadre in the field of natural ecosystems, focusing on forest. We also perform scientific research activity, write expert and popular articels and provide professional guidelines for outdoor education.
Naša naloga je doseči aktiven pristop k ohranjanju narave, s poudarkom na gozdovih, spodbujanje pedagoških delavcev k uporabi gozdov v izobraževalne namene in aktivno vključevanje programov gozdne pedagogike v kurikul za šole in vrtce. Naše učilnice in igrišča so gozdovi in druga naravna okolja.
Our vision is to achieve an active approach to nature conservation, with emphasis on the Slovenian forests, encouraging teachers to use forests for educational purposes and active involvement of forest pedagogy programs in the curriculum for schools and kindergartens. Our classrooms and playgrounds are the Slovenian forests.